Letter of Support
Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte
Town of North Hempstead
220 Plandome Road
Manhasset, New York 11030
RE: Proposed Redevelopment of 145 West Shore Road, Port Washington
Dear Supervisor Bosworth and Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte:
I am writing in support of Southern Land Company and its proposal to develop multifamily luxury housing on West Shore Road. In light of the company’s proactive outreach and transparency regarding this project, I believe that this will be an important and valuable investment in the Port Washington community. For many years, the property, which lies just above North Hempstead Beach Park, has been a derelict stretch of land, representing a major safety concern for the community. Southern Land Company’s proposal to transform this property has my support, as the project will be a welcome addition to this area that will benefit existing and future residents of the greater Port Washington community alike.
Furthermore, the removal of environmentally hazardous contamination at the site is a critical component of Southern Land Company’s clean-up plan. This is an important environmental benefit to the entire area, as well as a safer, cleaner space that will once again be given back to our community. An area that was once unapproachable will now become a recreational area for Port Washington residents to enjoy.
As a resident of Port Washington, I appreciate the outreach and the time Southern Land Company has taken to consider our thoughts and concerns, as well as the efforts they are making to establish fruitful partnerships with many community groups and municipal service organizations. I look forward to being part of the process as they continue to move forward with this development, and I enthusiastically await the completion of this project. Truly, it will enhance the lives of the residents of Port Washington.
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